Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Non Chronological Report

We were learning how to get rid of the pests in NZ like ferrets possums and stoats.
I found it easy to find all of the interesting research on websites.
I found it hard to memorize all of the research.
I really enjoyed the writing all the interesting facts about possums.
Next time I need to maybe make some more subheadings.
My Blog Post shows I am a Stepping Up.


  1. Hi Tyler,
    I love the effort you put into your non-chronological report.
    Keep up the great blogging
    Miss Steele

  2. Kia ora, I am William from St Mary’s School.
    I really liked that you have lots of information.
    I learnt that possums chicks and cats.
    Maybe you could check your punctuation.
    If you would like to see my learning visit my blog.

    Mā te wā

  3. Very informative information
    Good work Tyler
    Your mum


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